“Sweet” Candy Bouquet

Take a look at this “sweet” candy bouquet birthday gift that a friend made using a variety of scrumptious treats, cellophane, skewers, tissue paper, styrofoam, curly ribbon and a plastic vase! The vase is filled with mini white Reese’s peanut butter cups and supports a bouquet of colorful (and delicious) foods.

Here’s a list of the hunger-busting snacks in the bouquet:

  • Skittles
  • Ice Breakers mints
  • Payday candy bars
  • Reese’s pieces
  • Reese’s peanut butter eggs in white chocolate
  • Planter’s peanuts
  • Planter’s cashews
  • Orchard Valley Omega-3 mix
  • Think Thin white chocolate protein bar
  • Werther’s soft caramels
  • Batman-themed popping candy

Yum! What a great birthday gift!