Each year, we use the profits from our Packing Party product sales to fill and cover the shipping cost for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and this year we made 23!
Shoebox #9 is for a 2-4 year old girl and is themed, Baby Girl. Inside is a colorful stuffed caterpillar, Hello Kitty soft book and whale bath toy. She will look adorable when wearing her new pink socks, flower-covered sandals and blue plaid headband. With the included crayons and paper, she can doodle ’til her heart’s content! We can’t forget to mention the bar soap, washcloth, toothpaste, toothbrush and comb of her very own. Last of all, there is a train whistle (yes, it really does sound like a train), “Clap For The Lord” hand clapper, candy cane and bag of yummy candies. Best of all, we made a large yarn pom pom out of colorful neon yarn for her to play with.
Before bringing this shoebox with us to the Collection Center during National Collection Week, we’ll slip in a personal note to the child and a photo!
Before bringing this shoebox with us to the Collection Center during National Collection Week, we’ll slip in a personal note to the child and a photo!

Thanks to everyone who have purchased and continue to purchase our Packing Party products! Together we will change the lives of children all over the world through the amazing power of a simple gift through Operation Christmas Child.