2016 Profits for Shoeboxes – Box 23

Each year, we use the profits from our Packing Party product sales to fill and cover the shipping cost for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and this year we made 23!

Shoebox #23 is for a 10-14 year old boy and is themed after the TV show, “Emergency! Station 51”. Inside is a First Aid kit, roll of fire station stickers, socks and a flashlight. Each character from the show is represented in this box too! There’s a stuffed basset hound (just like fire station dog, Henry), mustaches (to represent Firefighters Chet Kelly and Marco Lopez), Hot Wheels fire engine (for Captain Hank Stanley and Firefighter Mike Stoker), Hot Wheels rescue squad (for Firefighter/Paramedic Roy Desoto) and last but not least, green fire department pens (just like Firefighter/Paramedic Johnny Gage used)! The boy who receives this box will get a toy fire extenguisher that squirts water, Hot Tamales candies and bandage-themed playing cards which say “God has the power to heal”.  We can’t forget to mention the bar soap, washcloth, toothpaste, toothbrush and comb of his very own. Last of all, there is a train whistle (yes, it really does sound like a train), “Clap For The Lord” hand clapper, crayons, paper and several Bible stencils.

Before bringing this shoebox with us to the Collection Center during National Collection Week, we’ll slip in a personal note to the child and a photo!

Thanks to everyone who have purchased and continue to purchase our Packing Party products! Together we will change the lives of children all over the world through the amazing power of a simple gift through Operation Christmas Child.

We'd also like to give a huge "thank you" to the great people at the Denton Fire Department for helping us with the items in this shoebox! Y'all are the best!